Obama will most likely not have to do his own groceries and cooking this week-end, but the rest of us will. With millions of people about to descend on Washington DC for his inauguration, we have to plan our food ahead of time. Restaurants will be packed, take-out might not be an efficient option, and who knows what will be left in stores. Someone told me: "We have to stock up on canned food and water!" Well, geez, this is not a hurricane, nor is it the Apocalypse... I think we can still rely on water coming out of the taps and fresh food should keep in the fridge. The inauguration will not level the city to the ground after all.
I went to my neighborhood supermarket today, Trader Joe's, and the largest crowds I have ever seen on a weekday afternoon was piling in. It felt like a Sunday after brunch, usually the worst time to go to Trader Joe's. Carts were banging against each other, some shelves were already empty and people lined up for 15 minutes to get to the cash registers. The regular weekday afternoon crowd is mostly composed of students and grannies, but this time, these were working age adults, seemingly taking time off on a Thursday to do groceries.
So, we have enough food to last us through the inauguration now... at least that part of the scenario is under control. - Gaston
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