Monday, January 19, 2009

The Calm Before the Inauguration

Things I saw on today's morning walk:
1) A shivering CNN crew on the National Mall, with Soledad, Don and Roland. A few hundred people encircled them, trying to thrust their mug into the camera lens.
2) A few roofless double-decker tour buses, with parties under way on the second floor. As the buses drove down Pennsylvania Avenue, the passengers were loudly greeting the pedestrians, yelling "OBAMA!", and spreading cheer all along the tour route.
3) More media trucks, with satellite dishes, generators, etc., than I have ever seen in one place.

4) Thousands of people trying to get as close to the Capitol building as possible while they still can. Camera flashes popping non-stop, blinded all passing through.

5) A lot of motorcades, with police escorts front and back, speeding through town. Was Obama in any of them? I couldn't tell...

6) Police officers asking souvenir stand operators to get off the streets, since they don't hold permits. It's not hard finding Obama paraphernalia now, since at every 10 feet someone is trying to peddle some inaugural merchandise.

7) Long line-ups at all national museums. People are especially patient when they feel happy.
Everyone is energized, antsy for tomorrow historic inauguration. I'll be there too...

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