Yesterday we went to the weekly market in Malatapay, about 25km south of Dumaguete City. It's mostly a cattle market, but everything else is sold too. The stars of the show though are the cows, bulls, pigs, horses, goats, and chicken that are up for sale. Everywhere I walked I had to watch out for kicking back legs, bitting teeth, swinging heads, or lifting tails (and you know what happens when that tails goes up!!). In my sandals, I felt my feet were not nearly as well protected as they should have been from whatever muck I was sloshing in. Farmers were yelling their offers and prices at the top of their lungs, competing with the goats and pigs that were not going to go until they created a deafening racket. I couldn't help but feel bad for the animals and the way they were treated (as a walking box of meat, nothing else), but I was not there to judge these people's culture, I was there to document it. Here are a few of my pics:

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