Wednesday, December 2, 2009

When the Cemetery Moves...

Yesterday evening, I came across one of the strangest things I've ever seen, in a faraway corner of Dumaguete - a cemetery in the process of moving. There were busted up tombs everywhere, excavated graves, coffins left behind... but, not a bone in sight. Erie, and unusual, a great subject for a photographer...



Linda Dalpé said...

Would make a great movie set (might have already)!

DP said...

Great shots, G.

Our Adventures said...

Really is quite freaky! So why are you in Manila? Movies? Schools?

Gaston Lacombe said...

Hey Gita! I'm not in Manila, but in Dumaguete, in the Southern Philippines... and it's for school, I'm doing sort of on the job training. I haven't posted any pics from the actual job here yet, just my leisure pics. I'm working for Hand Across the Sea, a Virginia based NGO that helps children here.